Divorce Family Law

Can You Do DIY Divorce?

Yes, you can file your divorce and complete the process without the help of an attorney. But before you decide that you can do your divorce on your own, you might want to consider these tips.

Good Candidate?

Are you a good candidate for a do-it-yourself divorce? If you meet the following requirements, you might be:

  1. You and your spouse agree on all issues such as division of property, custody, and any necessary support such as child or spousal support.
  2. You’re satisfied that you have complete information regarding your family’s assets and debts. The assets and debts are fairly simple.
  3. You are comfortable with the arrangements you have made regarding custody and support, as well as shared parenting time. Basically, you feel the settlement you and your spouse have come to is fair and reasonable.

Time and Patience

Another thing you will need to consider when considering a do-it-yourself divorce is if you have the time to research California’s state law, as well as gather all the necessary documentation. Will you also be able to follow through with the court filings and appearances. You will also need to be patient to deal with the emotions that might come into play once you file a divorce – even if you and your spouse are in complete agreement. Often times, this is where mediation can help you sort through any issues you might have regarding the divorce.

Consider Mediation

If you and your spouse find there are still some issues standing between you and the do-it-yourself divorce, you don’t have to rule it out just because of those issues. You might just need a divorce mediator to bring closure to those issues that are still causing grief. A mediator will be able to work with both sides to help you get to an agreement.

Last Considerations

While a do-it-yourself divorce might be the answer for you, you’ll also want to consider some other things – like consulting an accountant for any potential tax issues, or if there are any unresolved anger or deception that you might need to protect yourself from. You’ll want to be 100 percent positive going into the divorce that you will not need to seek an attorney’s help later on. But have no fear if you do decide that. An attorney can help ease any issues you and your spouse are having.


For advice on divorce, you need the expert law firm of Divorce Law LA. Schedule a consultation today.

Source: Divorce Net, Do-It-Yourself Divorce: Ten Tips, 2014


Divorce Law LA, Esq.

Divorce Law LA

33 S. Catalina Ave. Ste. 202

Pasadena, Ca. 91106

(626) 478-3550