Child Custody Child Support Child Visitation Divorce Family Law

Child Custody Decisions

There are a number of key questions that need to be raised when it comes to child custody rights. There are multiple considerations that need to be made when a court determines a custody ruling. Here are some things you should educate yourself on if you are facing a child custody dispute.

Divorce and Child Custody Decisions

Decisions regarding child custody are usually arrived at through the help of attorneys and mediators or by the court. More specifically, either two parents are able to come to an agreement either through informal settlement negotiations or mediation, or a court (usually a family court judge) needs to decide for them.

Unmarried Parents

Often times custody and visitation rulings can be a more simplified process when a child’s parents are unmarried. This is because the focus can be given to he child custody dispute, rather than being spread across other issues such as division of property and payment of spousal support. In cases with unmarried parents, the family court’s primary consideration is usually identifying the child’s “primary caretaker.”

Non-Parental Child Custody Decisions

Sometimes relatives like grandparents, aunts, uncles, and close family friends wish to obtain custody. Often states label these cases “non-parental” or “third-party” custody, or obtaining “guardianship.” Each state has specific statutes regarding these cases. Working with a licensed attorney in your area will help ensure you follow the rules of your state’s court.


Source: FindLaw, How Child Custody Decisions Are Made, 2014

Divorce Law LA, Esq.

Divorce Law LA

33 S. Catalina Ave. Ste. 202

Pasadena, Ca. 91106

(626) 478-3550

Child Custody Child Support Child Visitation Family Law Paternity

Patric’s Paternity and Custody Ruling

Recently, a California court ruled Jason Patric is a legal parent of Gus Schreiber, the 4-year old boy that was conceived with Patric’s sperm. Patric’s custody lawsuit has made news for the past two years via accusations and media campaigns. Most notably, it has brought one question to the forefront of paternity issues: At what point does a sperm donor become a father?

Paternity and Custody Lawsuit

Patric agreed to donate his sperm to ex-girlfiend Danielle Schreiber in 2008. The donation was under the conditions that she did would not expect to receive child support and that she would not tell anyone that Patric was the biological father. Gus was born in 2009. At that time, Patric’s conditions remained the same. But in 2011, Patric and Schreiber rekindled their relationship. During that time, Schreiber, Gus, and Patric spent time together. Schreiber even told the child to call Patric “Dada.” The two broke up in 2012. Patric decided to sue for custody. A media circus ensued. Allegations of abuse by Patric were made. Patric put together an organization called “Stand Up For Gus,” with aims to change laws around sperm donor rights in the nation.

Family Code Section 7613(b)

California’s Family Code Section 7613(b) states if a man provides semen to a physician “for use in artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization of a woman other than the donor’s wife is treated in law as if he were not the natural father of a child thereby conceived.”  This law, like others pertaining to children conceived without intercourse, was written in the 1970s as a way to protect rights of parents using sperm banks, as well as the anonymous donors to the sperm banks. But that’s not the case as much anymore as families become more and more untraditional. There are now numerous parent-donor scenarios.

New Laws, in Light of Patric’s Case

Patric’s fight for custody of Gus has generated numerous new bills, such as the Modern Family Act, which defines and protects the rights of these new parent-donor scenarios and “nontraditional” parents such as LGBTQ families. It also defines cases where a donor (sperm or egg) plays a parental role in the child’s life, regardless of the type of relationship they share with the other parent.

But the judge’s ruling does not necessarily mean Patric will get custody of Gus. In light of the highly publicized and ugly paternity battle, a judge might decide Gus is best left in his mother’s care.


For advice on child custody and paternity, you need the expert law firm of Divorce Law LA. Schedule a consultation today.

Source: Refinery29, Jason Patric’s Ugly Battle Raises One Important Question, November 4, 2014

Divorce Law LA, Esq.

Divorce Law LA

33 S. Catalina Ave. Ste. 202

Pasadena, Ca. 91106

(626) 478-3550

Child Custody

Beginning a Child Custody Case

Sometimes people do not choose to file for child custody. If you decide to move forward, there are some necessary steps that are involved. You might also consider hiring a child custody attorney that can represent you in court.

Why File for Child Custody?

This decision is made for a number of reasons including; not wanting to get the courts involved, or there’s an informal agreement that works for both parents, fear of provoking the other parent, or fear that that provocation might result in a more custody or visitation rights being awarded to the other parent. While you might not want to enter into a child custody case, it’s important to remember that if you do, the court can provide you with certain legal rights that will legally ensure your time with your children.

Legal Rights Regarding Child

Getting a child custody order can legally give you the right to make decisions regarding your child, as well as allow you the legal right to have your child live with you. Without a child custody order, you might not legally have the ability to do these things, even if you are the parent that takes care of the child on a daily basis. Filing for child custody is not without risks though. If you decide to file, there’s a chance the other parent will request these rights. At that point it will be up to the judge to decide.

Working with a Child Custody Lawyer

Working with a child custody lawyer might be in your best interest if you decide to pursue a child custody case. A lawyer will be able to help you decide your best course of action based on your situation. Additionally, it’s important to remember that filing for child custody does not necessarily mean you get child support. But a child custody order does not automatically give you child support.


For advice on child custody, you need the expert law firm of Divorce Law LA. Schedule a consultation today.

Source:, California: Custody, 2014

Divorce Law LA, Esq.

Divorce Law LA

33 S. Catalina Ave. Ste. 202

Pasadena, Ca. 91106

(626) 478-3550