Child Support Divorce Spousal Support

Tax Repercussions and Support Payments

If you’re paying or receiving spousal support or child support, there are some basic tax laws regarding support payments you need to remember. If you receive spousal support, you must declare it as taxable income . If you’re paying spousal support, you can deduct it. Child support is not taxable and not deductible.

Tax Strategy During Divorce Decisions

These rules are important to keep at the front of you’re mind when you and your spouse are working out alimony and child support agreements. The final ruling and decision should reflect your intentions for tax time. A decision that you and your spouse might make is to have the paying spouse agree to pay the recipient spouse’s tax liability.

A Helpful Tip

It might be helpful to try and work out the best tax deal for both spouses. While negotiations might be difficult, this negotiation might save you both around tax season.

To Keep in Mind

If you receive alimony, make sure you plan for the potential tax impact. Your former spouse will not be able to withhold taxes from the support check you receive, so you’ll need to be sure that you’re accounting for that fact when calculating how much you’ll be paying in taxes. You should consider paying quarterly taxes, just so you don’t get hit all at once in April. 

If you are paying alimony, always remember that you are able to deduct the support payments on your income tax return, but not child support or distribution of property. Often times the IRS scrutinizes the payments made during the first three years to ensure that the payments were not disguised as property distribution or other post divorce obligations.

Working with a Lawyer

The tax laws that are associated with alimony and child support payments can be very confusing. Working with a lawyer that understands the ins and outs of the tax repercussions of divorce can help mitigate the confusion.

Working with a skilled attorney can help ensure you get a fair case.  For advice on child support and spousal support, you need the expert law firm of Divorce Law LA. Schedule a consultation today.

Source:, Is Alimony Always Tax Deductible to the Paying Spouse?, 2014

Divorce Law LA, Esq.

Divorce Law LA

33 S. Catalina Ave. Ste. 202

Pasadena, Ca. 91106

(626) 478-3550

Child Visitation Family Law

Understanding Supervised Child Visitation

Often times, as part of a child custody ruling, a court will rule one parent has “supervised child visitation” rights. Here’s a little more information on what it means for visitation to be “supervised.”

Why “Supervised Child Visitation”?

California’s public policy on child custody is to protect the best interest of a child. And sometimes, based on what has been presented in court, a judge will rule the child only have contact with a parent when a neutral third party is present. Thus, the visitation rights are “supervised.” Reasons Behind Ruling

A judge may rule for supervised visitation for many reasons, such as:

  • To allow the visiting parent an opportunity to address specific issues;
  • In the case of reintroducing a parent and child after a long absence;
  • In the case of introducing a parent to a child;
  • A parent has a history of domestic violence, child abuse and neglect, or substance abuse;
  • When there are concerns of mental illness; or
  • If there is a parental threat of abduction.

A court will order specific times and durations for the visits. The court might also specify who will provide the supervision during these visits.

Supervised Child Visitation Providers

A supervised visitation provider’s main responsibility is to keep the child or children safe during the visit. The provider might be a family member, a friend, or a paid professional. A provider must be present at all times during the visit. Additionally, they are required to listen to what is being said, while paying close attention to the childs ‘s or children’s behavior. If the provider deems it necessary, they may interrupt or end a visit. And legally, all providers must report suspected child abuse.

Types of providers

According to law, there are 2 types of supervised visitation providers:

  • Nonprofessional providers – usually family or friend who is not paid to provide their supervision
  • Professional providers – trained and experienced with providing supervision. They charge a fee for the service, and are also required to follow a uniform standards of practice.

The court order will declare which type of provider you will be required to have during these visits.


Source: California Courts, Supervised Visitation, 2014

Divorce Law LA, Esq.

Divorce Law LA

33 S. Catalina Ave. Ste. 202

Pasadena, Ca. 91106

(626) 478-3550

Divorce High Net-Worth Divorce

Most Expensive High Net Worth Divorces

When a high net worth couple decides to divorce the divorce agreement can be a difficult one to settle.

When High-Net Worth Marriages Become High-Net Worth Divorces

Very common in high net worth marriages, a prenuptial agreement is decided ahead of the marriage. But when this isn’t the case, differences in international law and circumstances surrounding the breakup (often due to infidelity) can result in large sums being paid out as part of the divorce settlement. 

Most Expensive High-Net Divorces

Most high-net worth divorces make the news. Here’s a list of some of the highest ones:

  • Frank and Jamie McCourt. After 30 years of marriage the couple settled for $131 million and a lot of drama revolving around the ownership of the Los Angeles Dodgers. 
  • Neil Diamond and Marcia Murphey. The two were married for 25 years, but after rumors of infidelity, Marcia decided to call it quits. Diamond has been quoted as saying Marcia received $150 million in the divorce.
  • Boris Berezovsky and Galina Besharova. The Russian millionaire failed to sign a prenuptial agreement with his second wife, Galina. The divorce hit his net worth to the tine of $163 million even after it was alleged that the two spent only two years of their 18-year-long marriage together.
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver. After it was revealed that the former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger fathered a child with a member of the couple’s house-staff, his wife of 25 years decided it was over. The settlement is though to be between $250 Million – $375 Million.

Working with a High Net-Worth Divorce Lawyer

There are a lot of aspects that need to be settled during a high net-worth divorce. Because of this, you need to work with a divorce lawyer that specializes in high net-worth divorces and can help guide you through marital property division, alimony, and child custody (if there are any kids involved). 

For advice on high net-worth divorce, you need the expert law firm of Divorce Law LA. Schedule a consultation today.

Source:, The world’s most expensive divorce settlements, December 29, 2014

Divorce Law LA, Esq.

Divorce Law LA

33 S. Catalina Ave. Ste. 202

Pasadena, Ca. 91106

(626) 478-3550

Child Custody Child Support Child Visitation Divorce Family Law Move Aways (Child Relocation) Paternity

Anxiety in Co-Parenting Situation

It’s not uncommon to feel uneasy in a co-parenting situation. This is especially true if the arrangement is a new one. Here are a few tips to how to get comfortable with your new way of life.

Dealing with Co-parenting

Co-parenting often means a radical change to the way you used to schedule your life and your kids’ lives.

Separation Anxiety

You might feel nervous being apart from your children, and knowing that you won’t be able to see them for a while (while they are spending time with the other parent). The best way to deal with this is to call it out for yourself and name it. This can be as simple as saying, “I am feel separation anxiety being away from my child.” Then identify what’s causing you to feel this way. Is it because it’s a new situation? Is it because you don’t trust the other parent? Or are you just not used to having a free night? Working with a therapist can help you work through these feelings if you’re not able to address them on your own. And if you’re nervous because you fear for your child’s safety, you might want to consult a lawyer.


Work out a plan for regular communication when your children are away. While it shouldn’t feel like you’re trying to dominate the other parent’s time, it’s completely fair to have a check in via phone or email. You should also have a plan for communicating with the other parent. Maintaining open and good lines of communication is key to addressing your anxiety. If you two are not able to be civil during in person or on phone conversations, take it to email, where you can state the facts of what needs to be addressed without getting emotional.

Custody Agreement

If at any time you feel there has been a violation of the custody agreement, take a step back and evaluate how big the violation is. If it’s an incident where the other parent is 15 minutes late to dropping of your child, maybe let it go. If this becomes a habit you might want to address it through altering your schedule or coming up with a new plan. If the parent refuses to drop off your child, that’s the time to seek a lawyer.

For advice on child support and child custody, you need the expert law firm of Divorce Law LA. Schedule a consultation today.

Source:, What if My Ex Refuses to Return My Kids? 2015

Divorce Law LA, Esq.

Divorce Law LA

33 S. Catalina Ave. Ste. 202

Pasadena, Ca. 91106

(626) 478-3550

Child Support

Raven’s Will Hill Fails to Pay Child Support

The NFL’s Ravens’ safety Will Hill has allegedly failed to pay $16,588.18 in back child support.

Warrant for Arrest

Hudson County law enforcement officials have now issued a warrant for Hill’s arrest. While he is not actively being sought by police, he will be arrested if stopped by police, according to an initial report regarding the warrant.

Aware of Child Support Issues

Aaron Wilson of the Baltimore Sun reporter Aaron Wilson says that Hill is well aware of his child support issues, but was not aware of the warrant. The Ravens are also aware of their player’s situation.

Other Issues

This is not the only issue Hill faces. Shortly after joining the Ravens just before the 2014 season he served a six-game suspension for being in violation of the league’s substance-abuse policy. Prior to joining the Ravens he had played for the Giants. But that prior suspension led to his release from that team – despite the fact that the Giants had stood by Hill through two other suspensions that totaled eight games as well as his 2013 arrest for non-payment of child support.


For advice on child support, you need the expert law firm of Divorce Law LA. Schedule a consultation today.

Source: NBC Sports: Pro Football Talk, Will Hill has active warrant in New Jersey for failure to pay child support, January 28, 2015

Divorce Law LA, Esq.

Divorce Law LA

33 S. Catalina Ave. Ste. 202

Pasadena, Ca. 91106

(626) 478-3550

Child Custody Child Support Divorce Family Law Spousal Support

Considerations for a Short-Marriage Divorce

Sometimes marriage doesn’t work out. And sometimes, you realize that fairly quickly. If you’ve only been married for a short amount of time and are now considering divorce, there are some factors you’ll want to consider.

Short-Term Marriage: Not Uncommon

Short-term marriages are not unusual. Some couples think that a marriage will help to heal a relationship. Factors such as not living together, or jealous thoughts can often feel “solvable” with a marriage. And that’s not often the case. According to the US Census Bureau, 11.5% of marriages that happened during 1995 to 1999 never lasted till the fifth anniversary. 

Divorce Considerations

Even after a short marriage it can be difficult to decide to divorce. Divorce hurts. While you might not have as many things that need to be ironed out, such as property division or child custody, they are all things to be considered and presented to a divorce attorney should you decide to work with one. You’ll want to provide the following information to your attorney: details of your marriage date, your income, your soon to be ex-spouse’s income, and employment status. You’ll also need to provide a lawyer with any property you owned prior to the marriage, and property acquired during the marriage (if any was acquired). You’ll also need to provide any information regarding children (if you have them or are pregnant at the time of the divorce). 

Working with a Divorce Lawyer

Seeking the advice of a divorce lawyer can be helpful. Just because your marriage is ending that doesn’t mean you should feel like you’ve failed. A divorce lawyer will be able to walk you through the divorce process, while also providing advice on how to get through this difficult time. 

For advice on divorce, you need the expert law firm of Divorce Law LA. Schedule a consultation today.

Source: Rosen Law Firm – North Carolina Divorce, The Short Marriage: Divorcing after a Year (or Two), 2015

Divorce Law LA, Esq.

Divorce Law LA

33 S. Catalina Ave. Ste. 202

Pasadena, Ca. 91106

(626) 478-3550

Divorce Family Law

Ryan Adams and Mandy Moore Decide to Divorce

The self titled album that Ryan Adams released in 2014 had a more gloomy and downcast tone than previous releases. That tone was initially attributed to to singer’s battle with Ménière’s disease (an inner ear disorder that affects balance and hearing) and the death of his grandmother. But perhaps there’s another reason for the singer’s melancholy: his divorce from singer Mandy Moore.


After 6 years of marriage the rocker and pop star are splitting up. In a joint statement released by the couple it was announce that “Mandy Moore and Ryan Adams have mutually decided to end their marriage of almost six years. It is a respectful, amicable parting of ways and both Mandy and Ryan are asking for media to respect their privacy at this time.”


Just four weeks after announcing they were engaged, the singers were married in March 2009 in Savannah, Georgia. The two have collaborated on multiple songs through the years. Adams worked with Moore on her next studio album. Moore also sang back-up vocals on Adams’ 2011 album Ashes & Fire and Ryan Adams‘ “Trouble” and “Am I Safe.”


The two are notorious for keeping their relationship and marriage out of the headlines. Last year, Adams commented, “I’m a private person and I’ll be a gentleman and say I’m not talking about my marriage ever. I’ll never talk about it. Ever.” Adams is set to tour with Jenny Lewis this spring.

For advice on divorce, you need the expert law firm of Divorce Law LA. Schedule a consultation today.

Source: Rolling Stone, Ryan Adams and Mandy Moore ‘Mutually Decided to End Their Marriage,’ January 24, 2015

Divorce Law LA, Esq.

Divorce Law LA

33 S. Catalina Ave. Ste. 202

Pasadena, Ca. 91106

(626) 478-3550


When Financial Problems Pave the Way for Divorce

Research has indicated that financial woes can be a main predictor of divorce. That being said, it might be hard to as a potential mate just what his or her credit score is, or what their last year’s tax return looks like. But, as we’ll see, those kind of discussions can lead to healthier relationships, and marriages.

Different Financial Habits

Many couples in the U.S. don’t see eye to eye when it comes to managing their finances. “Having different money personalities in a couple is not unusual,” says financial advisor Andy Tilp says. “The differences can manifest themselves in many ways—saver vs. spender, controller vs. passive, or interested and even passionate about the subject vs. honestly having no interest.” Unfortunately, these types of differences can lead to serious conflict.

Money Disagreements Lead to Divorce

A 2013 Kansas State University study determined that disagreements regarding money can be a predictor of divorce. Conflicts over money lasted longer, involved harsher language, and also required longer periods of time for recovery than arguments regarding other topics.The study also took a look at how arguments and divorce were impacted by income, debt, and net worth. It concluded that regardless of how much money a couple has, conflicts about that money can still result in divorce.

What to Do

So what should a couple, fraught with debates about money and how to spend it, do? According to experts, communication is key. Not talking about finances can mean disaster, so try to make sure that both sides are being heard. Once both sides have shared their feelings, it’s important to find a common ground. If this cannot be done within the couple, then outside help might be warranted. Money problems are rarely easy, but once both sides are voiced, and a shared vision has been created, a couple can move forward and potentially avoid divorce.


For advice on divorce, you need the expert law firm of Divorce Law LA. Schedule a consultation today.

Source: USA Today, NerdWallet: When couples disagree on money, October 26, 2014

Divorce Law LA, Esq.

Divorce Law LA

33 S. Catalina Ave. Ste. 202

Pasadena, Ca. 91106

(626) 478-3550

Divorce Family Law

Your Brain During Divorce

Divorce is an emotional time. It can lead to anger, jealousy, guilt, and lots of tears. And just about anything can set it off. But how do you manage it?

Your Brain on Divorce

There’s significant scientific research to show that the emotions you are going through during your divorce are unavoidable. The mind processes threats – either physical or emotional – in the exact same way – via the fight or flight mechanism. So when you are in the middle of that type of stress it makes sense that you’re going to feel a little bit (or a lot a bit) addled and muddled. Your emotions kick in and run wild.

Controlling Your Brain

The amygdala handles your emotions. So during these times of extreme stress it might be best to try and engage your prefrontal cortex – the part of the brain that is rational and processes your ability to reason. Finding a way to “think through” the stress is a powerful tool you’ll need and want to develop. But how?

1. Know the Signs – knowing the telltale signs of when you’re getting stressed out will help you be able to manage the feelings. Is your temperature rising? Pulse racing? Seeing red? Are friends close to you saying it might be time to calm down?

2. Take a Walk – a quick walk or jog can help get out some of that intense energy you’re feeling. A trip to the gym can help you get out the aggression you might be feeling. If anything, try to take some deep breaths while finding that quieter spot in your brain.

3. Relax – if you can’t get out and walk around, try to relax. Focusing on gratefulness or positive memories can help you regain your sane mind.

Working with a Divorce Attorney

Working with a divorce lawyer can help to ease tensions surrounding the divorce process. A divorce lawyer will be able to talk you through the process, as well as provide helpful suggestions on how to build your case and reach an agreement.


For advice on divorce, you need the expert law firm of Divorce Law LA. Schedule a consultation today.

Source: The Huffington Post, Your Brain On Divorce, March 4, 2013

Divorce Law LA, Esq.

Divorce Law LA

33 S. Catalina Ave. Ste. 202

Pasadena, Ca. 91106

(626) 478-3550