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Advice on Co-Parenting

You’ve just gone through a divorce and have now entered the world of single-ness and co-parenting. It’s new territory, and can be hard to navigate. Here’s some tips from experienced co-parenters.

Co-Parenting Advice

Here’s some advice from co-parenters that have been there before:

  •  “Remember this: Genetically, your kids are 50% your ex. Every negative thing you say about him or her, you’re saying about the kids, too.”
  • “Get a therapist for the kids during the divorce, not after. We did so and my kids really benefitted from having someone removed from the situation to talk to about their feelings. She encouraged them to open up and helped us sidestep a lot of serious issues.”
  • “Understand that some situations don’t lend themselves to co-parenting. Consider alternatives like parallel parenting. Just because you’re divorced doesn’t mean that your spouse has changed.”
  • “Be empathetic about the grief they are experiencing. Encourage them to talk and don’t judge their feelings.”
  • “Try your hardest to co-parent. Be there for your ex so you two can support your kids as a team. It’s no longer about the adults so put any animosity aside and do what is in the best interest of your children.”
  • “If you’re allowing the kids to choose who they live with, don’t make them feel guilty about their choice.”

Co-Parenting #1

The most important thing you can do is remember to put your child’s needs first. If you keep the focus on them you’ll be able to avoid getting into emotional ruts with your co-parent. Focusing on your child’s needs will ensure that they always get what’s best for them.

Working with a skilled attorney can help ensure you get a fair case.  For advice on divorce you need the expert law firm of Divorce Law LA. Schedule a consultation today.

Source: The Huffington Post, The 18 Best Things You Can Do For Your Kids After Divorce, February 17, 2015

Divorce Law LA, Esq.

Divorce Law LA

33 S. Catalina Ave. Ste. 202

Pasadena, Ca. 91106

(626) 478-3550

Child Custody Child Support Divorce Domestic Violence

Georgia Man Snaps After Child Custody Issues

New information has been revealed about Cedric Prather Jr., the man who recently snapped a killed four people. The couple’s past was filled with child custody and domestic violence issues.

According to Prather’s sister, the man’s three children were his whole life. When he lost his job as a truck driver, the pressure to try and make ends meet in order to support them caused him to snap and kill his ex-wife, her boyfriend, and two of Prather’s own children.

The Shooting

Just after 3 p.m. on February 14, 2015, Prather walked into the home of ex-wife, Latoya A. Andrews. He then gunned her down, along with her boyfriend, Joseph Terry Brown, and two of his own children: 7-year-old daughter, London and 9-year-old son, Jeremiah. He also critically wounded Andrews’ 15-year-old daughter, Demeshia Owens, and Brown’s 7-year-old daughter, Jada Brown. He then killed himself in the street outside the home.

“His children were his life,” said Prather’s sister Jerdonna Sawyer. “He wasn’t crazy at all. He just chose a terrible way to deal with his pressure and his stress.”

According to Sheriff’s Capt. Bruce Ferguson Prather left no note to explain his actions.

“I can’t tell you why he did it,” Ferguson said. “All I can do is to say he snapped or he had enough is what we’ve concluded in our investigation.”


Prather and Andrews divorced in 2006. Court records indicate that the two went back and forth over child-custody. And about a year and a half ago Andrews sought a protective order against Prather, alleging that Prather had forced his way into her locked home and then pinned her down on the stairs and sexually assaulted her. There are no court records that indicate if criminal charges had been filed. A judge ordered Prather to stay away from Andrews and her home. Any meetings to exchange the children were to be done in the Douglasville Police Department parking lot. The protective order expired October 9, 2014.

Past-Due Child Support

State officials claim that in December 2013, Prather owed $31,800 in past-due child support. But in May 2014, Andrews and him reached a child custody agreement that allowed the children to spend half their time with their father. A few months after that, the court issued a final order for Prather to pay $437 a month for child support as well as pay a past-due sum that was to be determined.

According to Sawyer, Prather felt an enormous amount of stress when he recently lost his job as a truck driver and could not help provide for his children.

“We’re all hurting,” said Sawyer. “We’ve all had a great loss.”


Working with a skilled attorney can help ensure you get a fair case.  For advice on divorce you need the expert law firm of Divorce Law LA. Schedule a consultation today.

Source: ABC News, Georgia Man Who Shot Ex, Kids Had Fought Over Child Custody, February 9, 2015

Divorce Law LA, Esq.

Divorce Law LA

33 S. Catalina Ave. Ste. 202

Pasadena, Ca. 91106

(626) 478-3550

Child Custody Child Support Divorce Domestic Violence Spousal Support

Terrell Suggs Faces Divorce

After allegations of infidelity, and previous incidences of alleged domestic violence, Terrell Suggs’ wife has filed for divorce.

Divorce and Child Custody

Candance Suggs (nee Williams) and the Baltimore Ravens linebacker have been married for two years. The couple shares two children, ages 6 and 7. Candance is seeking full child custody and alimony, as was documented in the divorce papers she filed last December. The petition states, the “Defendant has committed adultery during the marriage and the Plaintiff has not forgiven, or condoned the adulterous conduct.”

Terrell is denying the accusations of infidelity, claiming he remained faithful to his wife until they separated a year ago.

“The allegations she makes concerning Mr. Suggs occurred  well after they separated,” said Terrel’s  attorney Thomas C. Ries. “They were no longer in love and they no longer wanted to be married to one another.”

Domestic Violence Claims

Candance has previously filed for numerous protective orders in the past. Before the two were married, she claimed that Terrell had thrown bleach on her and her son during an argument. The couple reconciled and the protective order was lifted. But just a few years later, she filed another protective order when Terrell punched her in the neck and then dragged her along behind his car a he drove away with their two children. At that time Terrell was ordered to turn over seven guns to the police. The two reconciled, the order was lifted, and they were married less than a month later.


Terrell Suggs filed his divorce response recently, asking for joint custody of the children. The two signed a prenuptial agreement, though the terms are being withheld.


Working with a skilled attorney can help ensure you get a fair case.  For advice on divorce you need the expert law firm of Divorce Law LA. Schedule a consultation today.

Source: The Baltimore Sun, Terrell Suggs’ wife files for divorce, accuses him of infidelity, February 13, 2015

Divorce Law LA, Esq.

Divorce Law LA

33 S. Catalina Ave. Ste. 202

Pasadena, Ca. 91106

(626) 478-3550

Divorce Spousal Support

Calculating and Awarding Spousal Support

If you are getting divorced, and are seeking spousal support, there are some important things to understand regarding how the courts decide to award spousal support.

Calculating Spousal Support

To establish permanent spousal support the state will take a number of factors into consideration including: length of marriage, the needs of each spouse and the standard of living that was created and maintained during the marriage, assets, the age of the spouses, and numerous other factors. A divorce attorney will be able to build your case based on your own specific circumstances. A court will hear your case and then, using tremendous discretion, will set the spousal support amount.

Length of Spousal Support

The length of spousal support payment typically lasts for half the length of a less than 10 years long marriage. So, if you’ve been married for six years, spousal support payments will last for three. But for longer marriages, the court usually does not set an alimony duration. Your divorce lawyer will need to prove that you should pay, or receive, the spousal support for the length of time you seek. A court will decide based on the arguments they hear and common law practices.

Permanent or Lifetime Spousal Support

When “Permanent” or “Lifetime” spousal support is awarded, that means support will be paid to the recipient until the death of the one paying, or until the recipient remarries. In some cases, it has been granted by a court that a remarriage does not stop the support.

While “permanent” or “lifetime” support used to be awarded, during the late 1990s, as women became an even stronger in the workforce, this started to be awarded less and less. Courts now rarely ever favor awarding “lifetime support.”

One appellate court stated:

“As recognized by our Supreme Court, the public policy of this state has progressed from one which entitled some women to lifelong alimony as a condition of the marital contract of support, to one that entitles either spouse to post-dissolution support for only so long as is necessary to become self-supporting.”


Working with a skilled attorney can help ensure you get a fair case.  For advice on divorce you need the expert law firm of Divorce Law LA. Schedule a consultation today.

Source: CA Divorce, How Spousal Support is Decided in California, 2015

Divorce Law LA, Esq.

Divorce Law LA

33 S. Catalina Ave. Ste. 202

Pasadena, Ca. 91106

(626) 478-3550

Divorce Family Law

Seriously Weird Reasons for Divorce

Divorces happen for a lot of reasons: infidelity, irreconcilable differences, and financial stress are just a few reasons. But then sometimes there are other reasons, that maybe don’t seem like they should be reasons, but have caused marriages to end regardless. Here are some of the weirdest reasons yet.

Weird Reasons for Divorce

  • She “let him go” after finding out he didn’t care for the movie “Frozen.” According to the U.K.’s Metro News, the Japanese woman told her husband, “If you can’t understand what makes this movie great, there’s something wrong with you as a human being.”
  • In Dubai a man left his wife because, according to Gulf News, she was “possessed by a genie.” More specifically, the family had told her husband she was possessed by a “dijn,” a type of genie from Arabic mythology, and that’s the reason she would not sleep with him. Religious experts had been called in to exorcise the dijn, but were not successful
  • An Indian man claimed that his wife had too much of a sex drive (sounds like she might need to be possessed by a dijn). In court the man claimed she had forced him to take medication to boost his sex drive and then threatened to sleep with other men if he didn’t satisfy her needs.
  • The parrot let the cat out of the bag. According to ABC News, a Chinese woman found out her husband was cheating on her. Who told her? The couple’s pet parrot. The parrot began saying “divorce,” “I love you,” and “be patient.”

Working with a Divorce Attorney

If you have come to the conclusion that you want a divorce, for any reason, you should work with a  divorce attorney. A divorce attorney will be able to walk you through all aspects of a divorce including: alimony, marital property division, and child support.

Working with a skilled attorney can help ensure you get a fair case.  For advice on divorce you need the expert law firm of Divorce Law LA. Schedule a consultation today.

Source: The Huffington Post, His Penis Extension Broke — And 9 More Crazy Reasons People Divorced, January 22, 2015

Divorce Law LA, Esq.

Divorce Law LA

33 S. Catalina Ave. Ste. 202

Pasadena, Ca. 91106

(626) 478-3550

Child Custody Child Support Child Visitation Collaborative Law Divorce Family Law Marital Property Division Spousal Support

Divorce: Know What You’re Getting Into

Even the “simplest” of divorces can equal a big hit to your wallet. It’s important to know what you’re facing in terms of finances when you face divorce.

A “Simple Divorce” Example

Jennifer Zoschak, partner at a family law firm, handled the divorce of a couple that had been married for over 20 years. The wife earned 40 percent less than the husband. Because of this Zoschak knew alimony (spousal support) would most likely be a portion of any divorce settlement.

It was assumed that the divorce would be fairly straight-forward. But a year later the husband was still against paying any form of alimony. The case had to go to trial. The judge ultimately granted permanent alimony. And at the end of it, this “simple divorce” wound up costing $300,000 in legal fees.

Couples Have Power to Keep Divorce Fees Low

It’s easy to blame lawyers and the law system for high fees. But it’s also important to remember that you have way more control than you think. “The cost of a divorce is entirely based on how reasonable, fair and honest the couple is with each other,” said Zoschak. “If they can communicate calmly, not lie about assets or income and not fight about inconsequential minor things, I can do a divorce for $1,500 and have it finalized in a matter of weeks.” Remain calm, be willing to negotiate, be prepared, and you too can have a lower costing divorce. Here’s how!

Keeping Your Legal Bills Low

There are a number of tips you can take to reign in your divorce before it spins out of financial control:

  • Don’t fight over minor parenting issues. This means don’t argue over exact drop-off and pick-up times, days spent with you, etc… Be willing to negotiate and…
  • Be flexible.
  • Your lawyer is not your therapist. Attorneys work on an hourly rate. You’re paying them to handle issues related to property, finances, and your children. You’re not paying them to listen to your grievances.
  • Be prepared. Going into your divorce you should have: detailed financial statement listing sources of income, assets, and living expenses. You should also have a credit report.
  • Focus on the facts. If you stick to the facts and keep the emotions out of the way you will be able to get to the root of negotiations without spending time arguing.

Working with a Divorce Attorney

The most important thing to do if you are facing what could be a litigious divorce is work with a divorce attorney. And even more important is that you find a divorce attorney you feel comfortable with. A divorce attorney will be able to walk you through all aspects of a divorce including: alimony, marital property division, and child support.

Working with a skilled attorney can help ensure you get a fair case.  For advice on divorce you need the expert law firm of Divorce Law LA. Schedule a consultation today.

Source: CNBC, Getting divorced without breaking the bank, February 9, 2015

Divorce Law LA, Esq.

Divorce Law LA

33 S. Catalina Ave. Ste. 202

Pasadena, Ca. 91106

(626) 478-3550

Divorce Family Law

Deciding on Divorce

It’s hard to realize that your marriage is coming to end. It’s even harder to make a final decision regarding divorce. There are a number of questions you’e most likely already asked yourself. But there are a few others you might not have considered. Here’s a list of some additional questions you should consider if you are considering divorce.

Divorce Questions

Here are some questions to consider:

  1. Do I want to end my marriage with a divorce or just find a way to have a better relationship with my spouse?
  2. Have we tried to work it out? Have we done our best to work it out? Consulted relationship therapists or self-help guidance?
  3. Are there any stressors that are contributing to our failing marriage? Unemployment, infertility, or a miscarriage?
  4. How have I contributed to this failing marriage? Are there things I can change?
  5. Was this relationship always unhealthy or a mistake? Have we been incompatible from the start? Or is there just a recent challenge we’re facing?
  6. Have I set incredibly high standards that are impossible to meet?
  7. Is there someone else?
  8. Am I still in love with my spouse?

Honest Answers

Only you can answer these questions honestly for yourself. You might conclude that there are some more things that can be done. You might also decide that you do not want to continue putting effort into a marriage that is already done. Once you decide that you want to move forward with divorce there are some important next steps.

Working with a Divorce Attorney

The most important thing to do is start working with a divorce attorney. And even more important is that you find a divorce attorney you feel comfortable with. A divorce attorney will be able to walk you through all aspects of a divorce including: alimony, marital property division, and child support.

Working with a skilled attorney can help ensure you get a fair case.  For advice on divorce you need the expert law firm of Divorce Law LA. Schedule a consultation today.

Divorce Law LA, Esq.

Divorce Law LA

33 S. Catalina Ave. Ste. 202

Pasadena, Ca. 91106

(626) 478-3550

Child Custody

Joint Child Custody Arrangements

There are various situations that fall under the umbrella of “joint child custody.” Below you’ll find more information on the types of arrangements, as well as advantages and disadvantages of those arrangements.

What is “Joint Child Custody”?

“Joint Child Custody” means that parents who do not live together still share decision-making responsibilities for, and/or physical control and custody of, the children they have together. This form of custody is able to be awarded to parents that are divorced, separated, no longer living together, and even if they have never lived together. Joint child custody is also the form of custody that is favored by the courts.

Joint Child Custody Arrangements

Joint Child Custody can take various forms, such as:

joint legal custody – where the parents share the decision-making responsibilities.

joint physical custody – where children spend time with each parent separately.

joint legal and physical custody – a combination of the above.

Joint Child Custody – Advantages and Disadvantages

There are advantages and disadvantages to joint child custody. While it ensures children continue contact with both parents, children still need to be shuttled from one parent to the other. This can be a difficult situation for non-cooperative parents, and thus can be a hard situation for children stuck in the middle. Regardless of if parents are cooperative or non-cooperative, it’s crucial that all financial records of groceries, finances associated with a child’s after school activities, medical care, and clothing are kept. In cases where parents argue about these things, a judge will appreciate finely detailed records. If parents can maintain a positive parenting schedule and approach, and keep the child’s best interests in mind, joint custody can be a positive and comforting experience for a child.

Working with a skilled attorney can help ensure you get a fair case.  For advice on child custody, you need the expert law firm of Divorce Law LA. Schedule a consultation today.

Source: Nolo, Types of Child Custody, 2014,

Divorce Law LA, Esq.

Divorce Law LA

33 S. Catalina Ave. Ste. 202

Pasadena, Ca. 91106

(626) 478-3550

Divorce Family Law

Sister Wives Divorce

Looks like America’s favorite polygamist family is getting a divorce. Well, kinda.

Polygamy Turns to Divorce

TLC’s Sister Wives celebrates the love and devotion that exists between Kody Brown and his four wives, Meri, Christine, Janelle, and Robyn. But it looks like Brown, 46, has divorced his first wife, Meri, 44, in order to marry (legally) the youngest wife, Robyn, 37.

Meri and Brown wed in 1990. Robyn joined the polygamist family in 2010.


On February 3, 2015, Brown officially became divorced from Meri. The two filed joint divorce documents last September. In December, Brown and Robyn applied for a wedding license.

Reasons Behind Divorce

The show, now in its sixth season has closely followed the ever widening rift between Brown and Meri. The couple share a daughter, 18-year-old Mariah, but have not been able to conceive more kids. Meri has taken to social media to voice personal issues, although she’s remained pretty cryptic, tweeting: “Stay real, stay loyal, or stay away from me.”

Brown also has children with the other wives: six with Janelle, six with Christine, and one son with Robyn. Robyn has three other children from a previous relationship.

It’s not clear what the exact reason for the divorce, but it’s speculated that it was done to bring Robyn’s family into the family legally.

Working with a Divorce

Divorce is difficult in any family situation. Working with a skilled divorce attorney can ensure you understand all the legal issues that arise during the divorce process. A family law attorney can help you negotiate marital property division, child support and visitation, and alimony.


Working with a skilled attorney can help ensure you get a fair case.  For advice on divorce you need the expert law firm of Divorce Law LA. Schedule a consultation today.

Source: US Weekly, Sister Wives Polygamist Kody Brown Divorces First Wife Meri to Legally Wed Youngest Wife Robyn, February 3, 2015

Divorce Law LA, Esq.

Divorce Law LA

33 S. Catalina Ave. Ste. 202

Pasadena, Ca. 91106

(626) 478-3550